
Office 2016 for mac lag
Office 2016 for mac lag

office 2016 for mac lag

However, switching to Draft (click the View menu and select the option) will very likely speed-up the document if you have a lot of text. If that’s the case then the best policy might be to get them to open one of your converted documents as a test, to see what happens.ĭo you work in Print Layout view mode? I do, and have for years because I need to see when I’m filling up pages. Secondly, this change might cause problems if you work with people running old versions of Word. docx version of the file alongside the older. You’ll see a warning about how the layout of the document might be adjusted, so you might choose to save a copy of the document beforehand.

office 2016 for mac lag

The fix is to click File > Convert Document. Does it read immediately afterwards ? This means the document hasn’t been updated for take advantage of all Word 2016’s new features, and it seems this also causes slowdowns. Look at the title of the document in the Word window. Note: If your problem is Word 2016’s slow start-up from cold, and not slowdowns during editing, see this older tip. If you have the same problem, any or indeed all of these tips might help. Sadly, there’s no sign of a fix from Microsoft despite numerous complaints. I find that there’s a delay when I type, so what I see on screen trails behind, and sometimes scrolling down pages mean they don’t redraw instantly, leaving with me a grey screen for a second or two.

#Office 2016 for mac lag professional

As a professional writer I use Microsoft Word a lot but Word 2016 has always been problematically and annoyingly slow once I get beyond a few pages of text.

Office 2016 for mac lag